Insights newsletter - July 10, 2024

FDA clearance for fMRI

Welcome to our insights letter, where we keep you in the loop on the latest developments, exciting milestones, and progress in creating our cutting-edge software. We appreciate your continued support and are thrilled to share our journey with you. Here's a snapshot of what's been happening.

In this newsletter:

  • FDA clearance for fMRI module

  • Overview of the main features of BOLD fMRI and DSC modules

  • Introduction of modules for the next FDA clearance

We are thrilled to share some big news with you!

Our new fMRI module has officially received FDA clearance, marking a significant milestone in our journey. We sincerely thank you for your support and trust in our product. Your feedback and recommendations have been instrumental in achieving this milestone. We are delighted to continue advancing the field of neuroimaging with your support!

fMRI and DSC modules are available for sale in the USA!

Contact us to see nordicMEDiVA in action.
We will be happy to provide you with details about the pricing, installation, and features of our FDA-cleared product.

Main features overview


"I like that it has more user-friendly features than nordicBrainEX and allows for processes not available now."
Beta tester of nordicMEDiVA

Powerful automatic processing pipeline:

  • Automatic noise thresholding (Otsu).

  • Spatial smoothing using a 2D or 3D Gaussian filter.

  • Temporal filtering (Butterworth filter) (de-trending and de-spiking).

  • Integration of nordicAktiva paradigms and ability to add paradigms manually.

  • GLM BOLD analysis.

Intensity curves and contrasts at your fingertips:

  • View paradigm designs on top of time-intensity curves by placing as many regions of interest as you like.

  • Compare maps processed with different settings to gain confidence in your analysis.

Flexible views:

  • Overlay multiple t-maps and toggle their visibility.

  • Fine-tune your visualizations with thresholds and cluster size adjustments.

  • Over 10 color palettes and solid colors to apply to t-maps.

Different export methods:

  • White pixels on greyscale export to neuronavigation: overlay and export as many maps as you need. For each overlay, we'll automatically create a separate fused image with the selected underlay.

  • Snapshots export to PACS: export your MPR view as slice stacks in color, with as many contrasts loaded as you wish.

DSC module

"The tool is very intuitive and finding the information relating to every VOI and drawing them is easy."

- Beta tester of nordicMEDiVA

"I like the look of it, I think everything's in a logical place. I like that you can see kind of everything on the screen at once, there's nothing hidden. […] It looks like everything's set out as I would expect it, and pretty much does the thing that I would have expected it to do."

- Beta tester of nordicMEDiVA

Automatic T2 perfusion analysis pipeline:

  • Automatic export to PACS: ability to export parametric colormaps without user interaction.

  • Choice of leakage correction algorithm.

  • Automatic global AIF search.

Thin client DICOM viewer:

  • Drag 'n' Drop series: easily manage series in the MPR.

  • 2D and 3D ROIs.

  • Real-time updates of ROI statistics and histograms.

  • Dynamic Time Curve analysis.

  • Easy export: one-click export of stats and graphs, export snapshots of the slices in all directions to PACS.

Coming soon

As we celebrate this achievement, we are also pleased to share that our Tractography module is in development and is next in line for FDA clearance. 

Thank you once again for your support. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and bringing you more improvements!