Insights newsletter - November 3, 2023

First-hand experience of MEDiVA at the RSNA 2023 - Chicago

Welcome to our bi-weekly insights letter, where we keep you in the loop on the latest developments, exciting milestones, and progress in creating our cutting-edge software. We appreciate your continued support and are thrilled to share our journey with you. Here's a snapshot of what's been happening:

Important regulatory notice:
This newsletter contains information about nordicMEDiVA. Some options and features in nordicMEDiVA are pending 510(k) submission and may not be available for sale in the United States.

😎 What to expect?

We have been at RSNA for many years, even with a largely scaled down booth during the Covid 19 pandemic. This year, however, we have grown our booth to be larger than ever, and are excited to welcome anyone for a friendly conversation.

Our new post-processing platform, nordicMEDIVA, will be one of our many stars of the show, and you will get an opportunity to see it in real life, and get a hands-on demo.

Here are some of the things you can try at RSNA this year:

  • The nordicMEDiVA full workflow from automated pre-processing and coregistration to the customized export of slices to PACS;

  • Task-based fMRI module;

  • Resting-state fMRI (preview);

  • Improved workflow for Perfusion.

  • Diffusion analysis;

  • Collaboration tools;

  • Quality control improvements;

  • Zero-footprint DICOM Viewer.

📍 Where to find us?

Find us in the North hall, next to GE.

See you soon!

📅 Schedule a personal demo during RSNA

For an interruption-free one-on-one, please reply to this email to pre-schedule a session. That way, we will make sure the relevant members from our team are there to greet you and answer any questions about current or coming features.

Also feel free to schedule an online demo if you have ideas for collaborations or want to see nordicMEDiVA in action


DSC analysis with fully automatic capabilities

Tumor evaluation

DSC, DCE and diffusion analysis

Pre-surgical planning

fMRI and DTI+Spherical Deconvolution tractography